
Dr. Sumit Ghosh

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Field: Transport and magnetic properties out of equilibrium, role of topology, ultrafast magnetisation dynamics, light induced magnetic order, magnetic texture and magetisation dynamics.

Office:  Building B,   1.1
Phone:  +49 30 6392 1325

Spin orbit torque with topological insulator

PRB 95, 035422 (2017) ,PRBB 97, 134402 (2018), PRB 100, 014412 (2019)

Perspective on topology in real and reciprocal space physics

Jour. App. Phys. 133, 23 (2023)



Solid State Physics, Volume 71, 2020, Pages 1-38

Ultrafast magnetisation dynamics

Comm. Phys. 5, 69 (2022)

Ultrafast nucleation of texture-antitexture pair

Phy. Rev. Res. (Lett.) 5, L022007 (2023)

Machine learning in spintronics

Digital Discovery, 2023,2, 512-519 

Neural network and anomaly detectection

PRB 108, 165408 (2023)